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AGM Agenda
Agenda Bearsden Hall 7th February 2013
7.00pm Welcome and Introduction – Chairman
7.10pm Summary of 2012 – Chairman and Secretary
7.30pm Accounts – Treasurer and Secretary
7.45pm Elections
8.00pm Proposals
1. The following permit prices are proposed for the 2013 season
New member £70, Existing £50, Concession £40
2. Junior tickets (16 and under) to be free by postal application
3. No fishing from the falls at Bishop Mill
4. Every association member to attend at least one work party
5. Abolish rule 28
6. Abolish rule 18
7. Rule 15 to be changed from 2 migratories to 1
8.30pm AOB
8.40pm Raffle and Permits
Raffle Prizes
Shakespeare Oracle XT Salmon 13’ 9wt Fly Rod
Diawa Megaforce 11’ 2 Piece 10-60g
Diawa Megaforce 10’ 4 Piece 10-50g
Abu Garcia Diamond Crest 9’ 2 Piece 20-60g
Wychwood Gye Net 24” Salmon
Mitchell Avocet Bronze III Spinning/Bait Reel
Shakespeare 5” Clearview Double Fly Box
Profil 5” Clearview Double Fly Box
Shakespeare Oracle Fly 9’6” 8/9wt Fly Rod
Bottle of Whisky
9.00pm Finish