Author: Alistair

  • EGM Venue Changed – Now at Milngavie Town Hall

    There has been a double booking which means our EGM will now be in Milngavie Town Hall.

    Station Rd
    Milngavie, GlasgowG62

    Google Link

    Tuesday the 18th of August – Pleas bring your permits – if you do not bring your permit you will be refused entry.

  • River Kelvin Angling Association EGM – Tuesday the 18th of August

    The EGM has been arranged for Tuesday the 18th of August. It will start at 7pm in Bearsden Hall.

    Due to the short notice there will be no letters sent out – please inform everyone you know that holds a permit for the river.

    For more info please check out this thread.

  • Busy Bailiffs?

    Just a wee update on our bailiff force:

    • The voluntary bailiffs have been busy erecting signs.
    • Two of the guys have been on an electro fishing course
    • They are targeting areas where people poach
    • They have removed several people from the water in conjunction with the police
    • They have made good contacts with non anglers who live in houses next to the river – a lot of relationship building was needed to keep access to the river.
    • They have been negotiating with supermarkets to have trolleys removed from the river.
    • They removed the den next to the river at the transport museum (not their job however it was felt it was a significant danger to the kids that made it.

    If you have not seen or met a bailiff then you probably have a permit – if you know of areas people regularly fish without permits then get in touch using the contact form or post on the forum over at

    Like they say – Rome wisnae built in a day !

  • Contacting SEPA

    It wa while fishing the river a member of the committee came across a pipe leaking sewage…

    Leaking sewage
    Leaking sewage

    It was a simple matter of a phone call to SEPA on their hotline to have this investigated – they will ask where it is and then give you a reference number. It would be good if the guys who report issues to SEPA let the club know by contacting us.

    SEPA’s Pollution Hotline – 0800 80 70 60 – available 24/7

  • Poachers with Nets?

    The committee and bailiffs would like all members to keep an eye open for poachers using boats on the river who may be setting and checking on nets.

    If you find nets or see any suspicious activity please contact us to let us know – if you find nets on the river please do not touch them – just contact a bailiff – the telephone numbers will appear on the site shortly.

    In the meantime please use the contact us form.

    Thanks for all your help!

  • Stocking 2009

    The river was stocked at various sections on the 14th May with good sized trout and the usual juvenile Sea Trout.

    [singlepic id=41 w=320 h=240 float=center]

    [singlepic id=42 w=320 h=240 float=]

    The hard graft of carrying buckets of water full of fish was done by the voluntary bailiffs and other committee members.

    We met many members on the night who enjoyed watching the fish being put in the river.

    Check out the gallery for more photos

  • Club Publicity

    It was a grand day out on the Kelvin today. The committee met with new bailiffs for a photo shoot with the Glaswegian and the Bearsden & Milngavie Herald. The articles will appear at some point in the future.

    The bailiffs also met up with the local wildlife officer who will be working with the bailiffs in enforcing the clubs rules. Sadly, some members are still fishing from bridges – this is unacceptable as it clearly states on the permits this is not allowed.  The new signs will make it clear that no fishing is allowed on bridges – all members are asked to comply with this rule – there are no exceptions. 

    The first signs have been erected – they are of a high quality and should last many years. The committee have decided the ones that have already been erected need to be a little higher – this was carried out on the spot by one of the bailiffs.

     The Vet School was busy today – bright sunshine kept the trout away from feeding off the surface however that did not stop our new secretary Paul Reid from staying back for a few casts. 

    [nggallery id=6]

  • Unauthorised Bailiff Cards

    It has come to the clubs attention that a number of unauthorised small blue bailiff cards are in circulation. These cards were given out due to a misunderstanding and must be surrendered to an authorised bailiff.

    The new bailiffs pictures will soon appear on this site.