EGM Wednesday 17th of November

Dear member,
You are invited to attend the following meeting at Woodside Hall. The meeting has been called by the committee to discuss and agree actions on the points detailed in the agenda below.
You will need your permit (with photograph) to gain entrance to the hall.
Kind regards,
Paul Reid

The River Kelvin Angling Association EGM, 17th November 2010, 7pm

Time for discussion on proposals will be allotted, however due to time constraints it will be limited. In order that this meeting can progress as smoothly as possible, members are asked to adhere to the following guidelines.

– One singer one song. To avoid interruptions, please raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before you make your point.
– For the benefit of those taking notes, please stand and state your name before addressing the hall.
– Please speak up, and talk as clearly as possible.
– Be polite. Listen to others when they are speaking. There will be breaks for chat, cigarettes, etc.
– Show respect for other association members, even if their views are not the same as your own.

Anyone that does not keep to these rules will be asked to leave, and the meeting will be adjourned until they have left.


Start – 7pm
1. Apologies
2. Update from the Chairman
3. Update from the Secretary
4. Amendments to the Constitution
5. Update from the Head Bailiff
Close – 9pm