Please Read!!! Volunteering Opportunity


Details for the next CRIMP introduction meeting. This is an opportunity to come along and find out what it’s all about. You can help your river by completing a kick sample once a month and reporting your results. This meeting on the 8th will explain the project in more detail and give you a chance to get involved. 


“Caring for the Clyde”


2nd Clyde Riverfly Monitoring Partnership (CRIMP) Citizen Science Meeting




Saturday 8th March 2014




Time: 11.30 – 15.00 




Graham Kerr Building, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, G12 8QQ






11.30 – Registration




11.45 – Dr William Yeomans (Clyde River Foundation) – Welcome and Introduction




Citizen Science for Communities




12:00 – Lesley Deans (CRIMP co-ordinator) – CRIMP’s First Year




12.15 – Theo Thomas – Love the Lea – Citizen Science in an Urban Watershed


13.00 Tea and Cake


Citizen Science for Schools


13:45 – Lizzie Willows – Riverfly Monitoring for Schools


14.10 – Lesley Deans – Clyde Living Lab – a proposal for Secondary Schools


14.30 – What Next?


If you wish to attend the meeting on March 8th, please formally register your place with the Project Coordinator, Lesley Deans, by Friday 28th February.






Tel: 0141 330 5080




Visit our webpage for news:








Willie Yeomans has worked for the Clyde River Foundation since 2002 and now leads a team of six scientists researching the ecology of the Clyde and its tributaries and delivering education projects throughout the catchment.


Lesley Deans is a Biologist with the Clyde River Foundation and co-ordinates the CRIMP citizen science programme.  CRIMP is funded by Scottish Natural Heritage and supported by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Volunteers from across the Clyde system.


Theo Thomas is a Senior Programme Manager with Thames 21 , the leading waterways charity in London. Theo’s team works with communities across Greater London to improve their rivers, canals, ponds and lakes for people and wildlife. Theo specifically coordinates Citizen Science programmes including the Love the Lea campaign.


Lizzie Willows has been the Wear Rivers Trust’s Education Officer since 2012, developing schools engagement and educational projects. She also carries out volunteer liaison and co-ordinates the Riverfly monitoring network across the Wear catchment.