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Category: Forum
Fly Tying Evening and Forum Issues
Hello Chaps, Seeing as how Paul is away snowboarding or something I thought I should update you on something that was discussed at our last committee meeting. Essentially some members have asked us if it is possible to run some kind of fly tying evening. At roughly the same time a local owner of a…
Official Forum Now Live
Hi chaps – the official forum is now live – you must use your real name and must input your permit number when asked – they are then checked against the database to make sure you are who you say you are. Only members of the KAA can join and the purpose is to make…
Official Kelvin Angling Association Forum
Hi Chaps – just a quick note to say that the finishing touches are being put on the shiny new much asked for official forum thingy – feel free to sign up however your accounts will not be activated until all the people that are able to check off permit numbers against names have got…