Category: The Club

  • Can you help?

    A couple of dates for your diaries guys (and girls of course).

    Saturday the 3rd of April – This Saturday we need as many people as possible to team up with FORK and help clean up the Kelvin. Meeting at 10.30am, Ha’penny House. Finished by 12.

    Tuesday the 6th of April – This Tuesday we have a bailiff meeting taking place at Partick Burgh Halls. 7.30pm kick off with the possibility of a pint and a blether afterwards. All current bailiffs should attend and we are asking for more volunteers to step up. If you are interested in joining the team then please come along, even if it’s just for more information on what the roll entails.



  • River Clean Up

    The clean up will take place on the 3rd, and not the 6th as I posted previously.
    Meet at the Ha’penny Bridge House at 10.30am.

  • Clean Up

    Until we can get an idea of the numbers that are going to turn up on a regular basis, we are going to run our clean up days in conjuction with FORK. So the first clean up day will take place on Saturday the 3rd (edited) of April. We will meet with FORK at Ha’penny Bridge House (edited) at 10.30am, so plenty of time to fish before and after. It would be good if we had some anglers in waders to get to the parts that are usually out of reach.
    Looking for a good turn out, it’s our river and we need to do our bit to keep it clean. If there are enough bodies then we may form splinter groups to tackle other problem sections of the river.
    Get as many people to attend as you can. If it’s a success then it gives us a platform to start carrying out more work in the future.

    Kind regards

  • What happens after you have returned your form

    Hello all,

    Many of you have asked what happens after you have returned your form from your application pack. Just to confirm that the tags and permit booklet will be sent out together, but as we are still C&R until the 1st of June, they will be sent out nearer the time.

    Kind regards

  • The Kelvin Needs You!

    Wednesday the 10th of March will see the first bailiff meeting of the year. We are also inviting anyone who would be interested in learning more about becoming a bailiff or warden on the river.
    Meeting starts at 7pm in the Partick Burgh Halls.
    If you think you can spare a couple of hours a week, or perhaps 3 or 4 full days a month on the river (fishing time counts) then please come along. We are looking for people to be eyes and ears rather than Rambo, but you will be expected to check permits. For anything else phone a Crown Bailiff or the Police.
    Hope to see you there.

  • Tesco Milngavie Update

    We have been contacted by the We Like Milngavie organisation, who are campaigning against the redevelopment of the Tesco site at Milngavie. Please visit their website for further information.
    We have already submitted representation on behalf of the association, but it’s a case of “the more the merrier”. The deadline is the 3rd of March and details of how you can object can be found on the We Like Milngavie Website. Please take the time to object, you do not have to reside in Milngavie just have a related interest (the Allander and the fish pass).

  • Angler’s Monitoring Initiative

    Those that attended the AGM would have been lucky enough to hear Louis Kitchen’s talk on the work he is looking to carry out on the Kelvin. Louis is applying for lottery funding for the project and he is confident he will get it. This is a massive scoop for the Kelvin and Louis’ work will help to highlight any pollution incidents that may occur. SEPA take this sort of monitoring very seriously and will act on any changes that it brings to their attention. The work will also be very informative and help anglers get a greater understanding of our sport. Please take a minute to look at the information on the following site:
    Louis needs volunteers to help with monthly kick sampling. Volunteers will also have to attend the odd workshop and meeting. This is an excellent opportunity to help your river and increase your knowledge at the same time. Please drop us a line through this site if you are interested.

  • 2nd February Committee Meeting

    The committee met to discuss the agenda for the AGM on the 11th of February. The proposals for the rules were reviewed and any duplicates removed.
    The committee also discussed several incidents where the behaviour of individual members had required attention.
    The remainder of the meeting focused on the plans for next year that would be discussed at the AGM.

  • Kirkintilloch Angling Association.

    The KAA have apparently been reformed by some previous members of the RKAA. Several tackle shops and anglers have been approached by a representative of the KAA, claiming that the River Kelvin Angling Association do not have the fishing rights for the Kelvin above Cawder Golf Club. This information is incorrect as our lease from the Crown Estate covers this stretch. While the KAA may have negotiated rights with the riparian owner, this does not allow them to fish for migratories, regardless of the claims on the permits they are issuing. The KAA cannot stop any RKAA member from fishing on the any stretch of the Kelvin. The committee are meeting with the KAA representatives this week. We are disappointed that former RKAA members have chosen to start this club without consulting the association, but we hope to get the matter sorted quickly. More information will be available after the meeting.

  • New Permit Process

    There are two ways to get your hands on this years permit.

    You can do it by post, just go to the permit section on this site and print off the form. Complete the form and send it back to the address printed at the bottom, along with a cheque for the relevant amount. Please include a stamped addressed envelope so we can dispatch your permit. The other option is to go into a tackle dealer and buy a permit pack over the counter. Several shops already have permits in stock, please keep an eye on the news section to see where they have been delivered.

    When completing the form please fill in as much of the detail as possible. If you can’t remember your permit number then we can find your details from the rest of the information.
    Once you have attached your picture and returned the form, your permit will be validated. If you have provided false information (eg. claimed to be an existing member) then your permit will be void and you will not receive a refund.

    A note on the permit packs – each contains a laminate badge, a permit card, an addressed envelope, and a membership form. You place your photo on the permit card, place the card into the laminate badge, and return the form in the addressed envelope.

    There are several reasons for returning your form:
    1. It validates the permit. If it is discovered that you have not returned the form then your permit may be taken from you.
    2. The address information will be used to send newsletters etc.
    3. Catch and release tags will only be sent to the members who have submitted their forms.
    4. The permit booklet will only be sent to the members who have submitted their form.
    5. At the AGM you will be entered into a draw for a free membership for the 2011 season.

    If you require any further information then please submit your questions through this site.

    Kind regards.
