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Category: The Club
2010 AGM Photos
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Rules for 2010
The rules for the season as approved by the association at the AGM, held on the 11th February 2010.
1. Members must always carry their Permit whilst fishing and must produce it if requested to do so. No excuses will be accepted. If you do not have your permit with you then you cannot commence fishing. Any angler who refuses to show his or her permit to fish to a bailiff, warden or fellow angler or who refuses to hand over their permit to a bailiff or warden will be banned from fishing thereafter.
2. All catch returns must be submitted to the Secretary by no later than20th November. Failure to complete the return will result in cancellation of membership. RKAA have a legal requirement to submit an accurate annual catch return to the Crown Estate.
3. A member shall attend his rod at all times.
4. No fishing for brown trout from 7th October to 14th March inclusive.
5. No fishing for salmon or sea trout on that part of the Kelvin at the entrance to the Allander 20 meters below on the Kelvin, and 20 metres above on the Allander.
6. No fishing on the Allander itself or any of it’s tributaries from 1stOctober to 10th February or on the remainder of the association’s water from 31st October to 10th February. (All dates inclusive)
7. Any member or ticket holders found to be fishing by illegal methods or to be foul hooking fish or attempting to foul hook fish, will have their permit confiscated instantly with no refund given irrespective of whether the person is charged or not, and shall be instantly banned from fishing the association waters. Any fish that may be foul hooked shall immediately be returned to the water undamaged and alive.
8. Use of gaff is strictly prohibited, a tailer must not be used to land a fish that is to be returned, and landing nets should be knotless.
9. Private property must be respected at all times. Goodwill between property owners and fishermen is of the utmost importance if our association is to be successful.
10. No vehicle access to Station Road, Bardowie.
11. Fishing on Garscube Estate is only allowed by those who first report in at the Estate Office (off the switchback road). Please remember to sign out.
12. Antisocial behaviour towards another member of the association will not be tolerated. Anyone who behaves in this way will have their membership cancelled.
13. Members are reminded that only fly, spinner, or even bait are allowed and that fixed lines, ledgering, rod rests, multiple rods, and bubble floats are strictly forbidden. (Ledgering – using a weight to fix a bait to the river bed.)
14. All fish less than 300mm (12?) in length must be returned irrespective of their condition.
15. Anglers may take only 1 migratory fish per day from RKAA controlled water. No migratory fish may be offered for sale.
16. Anglers are restricted to 5 migratory fish per season by the club tagging system. If you don’t have your tags then you can’t keep your fish. Anyone found to be in possession of an untagged fish will be banned for life. Fish must be tagged as soon as they are chapped.
17. From the start of the season until the 31st of May all salmon fishing is by catch and release. Any salmon caught must be returned regardless of condition.
18. From the 1st of October until the end of the season all salmon fishing is by catch and release. Any salmon caught must be returned regardless of condition.
19. The use of prawn/shrimp and live minnow is strictly prohibited.
20. Sunday is restricted to fly fishing only. No fishing for migratory fish on Sunday. A member may not fish on a Sunday with a line having a breaking strain greater than 4lbs or with a hook larger than size 12.
21. Netting fish is strictly prohibited with the exception of landing fish caught by rod and line.
22. Members are not allowed to light fires by the river or on the surrounding land, and no dogs.
23. No fishing by any means is permitted from bridges, trees or between a point 100 metres above the fish ladder near Gavin’s Mill (Milngavie), and a point 50 metres below the road bridge below it.
24. The use of explosives is prohibited.
25. Those fishing bait or spinner must give way to those fishing the fly.
26. A step down stream must be taken after every cast. If you wish to go back and fish through a section again, you must not start casting less than 5 metres above your last cast.
27. No boat fishing.
28. The aforementioned Rules supersede all previous and must be adhered to by all Members. Any amendments to the Rules during the course of the year will be notified to all Members.
Agenda For The AGM
11th February, 7pm
Kessington Hall, Bearsden
1. Apologies
2. Summary of the 2009 season from the Chairman and Secretary
3. Habitat survey update – Willie Yeomans
4. Introduction to the Anglers Monitoring Initiative – Louis Kitchen
5. Statement of accounts
6. The Committee – Introduction and elections
7. Association rules for 2010 – several proposals to discuss
8. Permit prices for 2010 – The committee propose a freeze for 2010, but there are several proposals to discuss.
9. Miscellaneous and AOB
Asking Questions of the Club
At the moment you can use the form on this page to send a question to the club.
Please be aware that as the club receives so many questions and comments that to receive a response you must state your name, full address and membership number – if any information is missing you will not receive a reply.
This is so that only members are able to ask questions relating to club business.
The email is then forwarded to Paul and Euan – Paul usually sends a response as quickly as possible. Please note that the post of secretary is a voluntary one and club business takes up a lot of time – therefore if you do not get a response within a week or so try sending your email again – no one is perfect it could be a problem on your end as well as ours.
Abusive emails will not be replied to.
River Kelvin Angling Association AGM
Notice is hereby given that the River Kelvin Angling Association Annual General Meeting will be held on the 11th February at 7pm at Kessington Hall, 58 Milngavie Road Bearsden. Post Code, G61 2DP.
Kessington Hall is the large red sandstone building located on the right hand side of Milngavie Road (A81) about 300 metres to the North of Canniesburn toll when driving towards Milngavie. At the first set of traffic lights (opposite the petrol station) turn right into Kessington Road where there is parking. Bus services stop at Kessington Road next the Hall. Hillfoot Train Station is about 300 metres North of the Hall on Milngavie Road.
Kelvin Habitat Survey
A message from Willie Yeomans:
The Clyde River Foundation has just finished the first phase of the Kelvin Habitat Survey – walking and mapping the catchment using a pretty basic methodology but one which should allow us to make a sensible assessment of what we might be able to fo habitat-wise to improve things in the short, medium and longer-term. We have covered the main stem of the Kelvin as far upstream as Auchinstarry Bridge plus the Glazert, Allander (main stem), the Luggie as far up as the railway viaduct above Waterside and the Bothlin Burn as far upstream as Bothlin Bank. We have the info we collected on hard copy maps, so there will be a pretty serious data crunching and mapping exercise between now and Easter. There are some issues with surveying at this time of year but I think it would be fair to say that we now consider the Allander and Glazert to be disproportionately important to the Kelvin’s salmonid production. These should be protected pretty much at all costs.
While we’re putting the report together, it struck me that it would be a good idea to invite comments from regular anglers regarding the following (please pm me for obvious reasons ):
1. Areas where there are problems with pollution from pipe ends or from land or road runoff.
2. Areas where spawning activity has been witnessed.
3. Areas where the following plants have been seen: Japanese Knotweed, Himalayan Balsam, Giant Hogweed or Skunk Cabbage.
Willie Y.
Willie can be contacted through the Clyde River Foundation Site.
How Many Salmon did you catch in 2009?
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Tesco – Milngavie Development
Dear all,
Just to update, we have received notice from East Dumbarton shire Council with regards to the planning application submitted for Tesco’s in Milngavie. For those that don’t know the layout, Tesco’s currently sits on one bank of the Allander, with the car park on the other. Tesco are looking to tear down the existing site and build a larger store where the car park currently sits. So basically they are looking to switch round the store and car park. The proximity to the Allander raises obvious implications. Members of the committee are currently working to submit a representation on behalf of the association. I have spoken to Sir Robert Clerk (The Crown Estates Office) regarding the matter and he was already aware of the situation. Sir Robert has agreed to help in any way that he can and the club appreciates his assistance in this matter. I have also consulted with Willie Yeomans (The Clyde River Foundation) and as always Willie has been extremely helpful.
Due to my lack of experience in these matters I have contacted Mark Eden-Bushell (F.O.R.K) and the RCFMT for advice. Mark has plenty of experience representing F.O.R.K with regards to planning applications around the Kelvin in Glasgow, and has agreed to look over the application. My thanks to Mark. Kemp Meikle (RCFMT/Mid Clyde Angling) has also volunteered his expertise. As an engineer and a committee member, Kemp has a great deal of knowledge when it comes to dealing with such matters.
Dougie Brown has also been in touch with Sir Robert Clerk and Willie Yeomans, with regards to the proximity to the Allander and the Salmon Ladder. Dougie’s work on the Salmon Ladder is ongoing, and any work nearby may well have a bearing on the project.
For more information on the application please go to – Planning Applications
Kind regards,
Paul Reid
On Going Issues
The secretary left this messege
Out again today, chased 3 guys at the Vet School who didn’t realise you needed a permit (or that you can’t fish for Salmon on a Sunday!). Then got a call from the Chairman to say that an association member had called to say there was a group fishing at the BBC weir. I headed down to meet the police who had already been called, on route I got a call from the Head Bailiff (Davie) who was investigating a suspicious pipe at the top end. It looks like the poachers moved on before I got there, so I called Davie and told him not to bother coming down. A couple of positives from the whole exercise. 1. Association members keeping an eye on the water and reporting any incidents. 2. The police showing up and being keen to help. Shame that on this occasion they weren’t needed.
During the closed season I would encourage all association members to get out and walk the river when the can. It will discourage poaching and any reports of spawning fish are greatly appreciated. Nobody is expected to approach any one breaking the rules. Just phone it in.
River Kelvin Angling Association EGM Minutes
19th August 2009
River Kelvin Angling Association EGM
Euan Greer – Chairman
Paul Reid – Secretary
Alistair Stewart – Treasurer
51 Members
1. Chairs Introductory Topics
- Eddie Hamilton (previous Treasurer) – Euan made the members aware that the previous treasurer is ill and would like to convey that our thoughts are with him.
- Rumours – There has been many rumours circulating. Euan pointed out that if the information does not come from either one of the office bearers or the official site ( then the information is wrong. For accurate information please contact the club through the office bearers or web site.
- Update on Bailiff meetings – Voluntary bailiffs have been meeting regularly and the police have been involved in incidents.
- Stocking/Publicity – The river will no longer be stocked with trout due to new legislation being implemented. The club was highlighted in the local media on the last stocking day.
- Signs – As promised at the AGM signs have been erected at various places along the river.
- Station Road – Some anglers are abusing the right of access.
- FORK Gala day – For the first time in many years the club had a stall at the gala day – it was a great success with many people enquiring about the association and the work we do. Advice was given to many potential new members.
- Clyde in Classrooms – The committee has decided to donate money to the project.
1.2 – Paul Reid – Introduction
- Purpose of EGM – There has never been an EGM in the history of the club, the meeting has been called to discuss the urgent problem with the permits.
- Committee Meetings – The meetings allow the club to administer the functions of the club. The club does not have to inform members when the meetings occur. Only office bearers and committee are invited to these meetings. Paul will summarise meetings and post on the official site.
- Bailiff Team – This is a work in progress, the club is working in conjunction with the police to target various hotspots. Nets have been taken out of river.
- SEPA – Many issues have been reported to SEPA.
1.3 – First Round of Questions (Summarised)
Ian McGrady – What does the constitution say regarding notice for EGM?
A. Club needs 7 days for AGM and no notice for EGM – notice was posted on websites, all members were told to tell friends and people on river and notices put in tackle shops.
John Nesbit – (Statement) Lost permit and stated no reply from website
A. Alistair monitors emails – all emails receive reply – if no reply a problem is on the sender’s side.
John Nesbit – (Statement) Members have been abused by bailiffs
A. Euan would want any issues reported to the club.
Derek Hutchinson – Will a warden or Bailiff be dealt with in the same way as a member?
A. Yes, rules are for everyone.
Davie Sheerin – Dougie Brown has done a lot for the club, will he still be part of the association.
A. Yes, Dougie is a personal friend of Euan’s . Plans are being made to thank Dougie for his hard work and to look at his role in the club.
2 – Presentation By Willie Yeomans
- Willie will carry out habitat survey on River Kelvin.
- Allander has already been completed.
2.1 – Second Round of Questions (Summarised)
Paul Reid – What will the habitat survey entail?
A. Data will be collected on: Barriers to salmon migration, physical state of catchment, trout habitat, pipes going in to river.
Davie Sheerin – When will this be completed?
A. Report finished in March if started in October.
Charlie Dunn – (Statement) Depending on number of spates
A. Acknowledged
Alistair Stewart – Will there be a set of recommendations?
A. Yes – this will also show whether stocking is useful or not – Willie stated that stocking a river is like watching money swimming away if you do not have a habitat survey.
Ian Rettrik (FORK) – Will water quality be monitored?
A. Amonia and dissolved oxygen are checked at the moment.
3 – Permit Situation
- Situation with current permits explained – over 1000 sold, difficulty with insurance as policy prohibits more than 1000. Members complaining regarding “pool hogging”. There are sill permits available in outlets outside the city.
- Should we allow day permits?
- Passport Pictures for next year?
- Difficulty regarding Sunday fishing – many members fishing for salmon.
3.1 Third Round of Questions (Summarised)
Alec Barclay – Can you bring permits in to the city from outlying areas?
A. Yes
George Kidd – Can we print more permits? Can we print another 1000?
A. yes – within a week
Davie Sheerin – How many do you personally (aimed at office bearers) think is too much?
A. 1000 is too much
Alec Barclay – How do you put limit in place?
A. We don’t sell or print any more tickets.
Ian McGrady – How many anglers do we have?
A. Approximately 1000 – there is a difficulty with the shops not being able to tell us how many permits they have sold.
Davy Craigy – How will the limiting of permits effect juniors?
A. They will be included in 1000
Roddy Hogg – Can we cap the numbers?
A. Yes
Davy Scott – What happens if 1400 people want a permit next year?
A. Lots of people have permits however do not use them. This is the first year of the club being proactive, we can assess as the season progresses.
John Nesbit – Do you have a list of this years names?
A. Yes, we get them at the end of the season.
Willie Mulheron – How much revenue do the shops make?
A. 10%
Derek Hutchinson – Why do we not ban all fishing on Sundays?
A. That is a possibility – a vote will have to be taken
Alistair Stewart – (Statement) As a fly fishing trout angler does not see why he and others should be penalised on a Sunday due to guys that are fishing for salmon.
Derek Graham – What is the issue around rod rests?
A. It is against the law – Paul Reid read out current legislation regarding rod rests. Additionally on permit dictates that members should not monopolise any one spot.
3.2.4 – CAP NUMBERS AT 1000