Category: The Club

  • Sewage Incident on the Red Burn (Torrance)

    Below is an update from SEPA regarding the large piles of sewage on Red Burn Farm NE of Torrance, and the resulting problems with discharge entering the burn. Thank you to those members that brought it to our attention

    As discussed earlier a Paragraph 8(1) Waste Management Licence exemption was in place for the storage of sewage sludge at Red Burn Farm in Torrance. During the storage period the operator breached the relevant objectives of the exemption by not providing secure storage of the material. They also breached GBR 18 of the Controlled Activities Regulations as contaminated effluent discharged to the Red Burn.

    Over the period SEPA officers attended on numerous occasions to respond to complaints, inspect operations, mitigate/reduce risk of further pollution and sample/survey to provide evidence for enforcement action.

    Our sampling and ecology survey of the burn indicated that in periods of heavy rainfall, intermittently contaminated effluent discharged to the burn. As this discharge occurred during heavy rainfall then pollution was mitigated by dilution from high flows and well aerated cold water which maintained oxygen levels. The discharge however was recorded as having a negative impact on the burn and the health of some invertebrates had been affected. Localised sewage fungus near the discharge point was also noted but not noted downstream. Mitigation measures were then carried out to reduce the risk of further pollution with material taken off-site.

    SEPA management decided that due to the non-compliance of the legislation discussed that the exemption would be removed. This does not allow the operator to store material at Red Burn Farm. All material was removed from the site on the 17th of April.

  • Riverfly Workshop

    The Clyde River Foundation have kindly agreed to run two riverfly workshop events for us in May (Saturday the 3rd and the 10th). At the workshop you will learn about the various vertibrae that inhabit the Kelvin, and how to identifiy them.

    We have 10 places available per day, and each group will learn how to take a kick sample, how to indentify the contents of the sample, and how to record the results.

    The cost of the course is £35 per applicant. If you volunteer to take a sample once a month on behalf of the CRIMP project, then the association will cover the cost of your training.

    If you are interested in attending the workshop then please give me a call (07730682748) or drop me an email (

    Kind regards


    CRF Logo

  • Throwback Thursday

    The Gallery prior to the recent clean up work.


  • Opening Ceremony Details

    This Saturday we will be meeting at the Islay Inn on Argyle Street for hot rolls and a few libations at 11.30am. From there the piper will lead us to the river just upstream of Snow Bridge (behind the Art Gallery).
    It looks like we might have ourselves a celebrity to throw the first line, and later we can all meet again in the Islay Inn at 3pm to swap stories and eat pies!
    As you can see from the pictures several members have done a great job cleaning up and removing obstructions from the pool (which will now be known as a The Gallery). Thanks to all that helped out.



    Fingers crossed for the weather, but it is shaping up to be a great day!

  • Caring for the Kelvin / Clyde

    I hope many of you are going to attend this on Saturday. Even if you are unsure if you can commit to the project, feel free to go along and find out more. It promises to be a very informative day.

    There will be interested (potential) volunteers from various local groups. It would be a sad state of affairs if the anglers were outnumbered. For the people that like to talk about how much they care for the river and the fish, here is a chance to turn those words into action.

    “Caring for the Clyde”

     2nd Clyde Riverfly Monitoring Partnership (CRIMP) Citizen Science Meeting

    Saturday 8th March 2014

    Time: 11.30 – 15.00 

    Graham Kerr Building, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, G12 8QQ


    11.30 – Registration

    11.45 – Dr William Yeomans (Clyde River Foundation) – Welcome and Introduction

    Citizen Science for Communities

    12:00 – Lesley Deans (CRIMP co-ordinator) – CRIMP’s First Year

    12.15 – Theo Thomas – Love the Lea – Citizen Science in an Urban Watershed

    13.00 Tea and Cake

    Citizen Science for Schools

    13:45 – Lizzie Willows – Riverfly Monitoring for Schools

    14.10 – Lesley Deans – Clyde Living Lab – a proposal for Secondary Schools

    14.30 – What Next?

    If you wish to attend the meeting on March 8th, please formally register your place with the Project Coordinator, Lesley Deans.


    Tel: 0141 330 5080


  • Pollution of the Bothlin Burn and Luggie Water

    Following our complaints last year regarding silt run off, I am canvasing members for comments and or pictures that could be used in a possible enforcement action with regards to the Bothlin Burn and Luggie Water. If you have anything that you think might support the case please let me know.

    Kind regards


  • Permit Holders

    It appears that a batch of permits are missing permit holders (the self laminating badge). If you purchase a permit and notice that your badge is missing, email or text me your address ( 07730682748) and I will get one posted to you.

    Kind regards

  • Please Read!!! Volunteering Opportunity


    Details for the next CRIMP introduction meeting. This is an opportunity to come along and find out what it’s all about. You can help your river by completing a kick sample once a month and reporting your results. This meeting on the 8th will explain the project in more detail and give you a chance to get involved. 


    “Caring for the Clyde”


    2nd Clyde Riverfly Monitoring Partnership (CRIMP) Citizen Science Meeting




    Saturday 8th March 2014




    Time: 11.30 – 15.00 




    Graham Kerr Building, University of Glasgow, University Avenue, G12 8QQ






    11.30 – Registration




    11.45 – Dr William Yeomans (Clyde River Foundation) – Welcome and Introduction




    Citizen Science for Communities




    12:00 – Lesley Deans (CRIMP co-ordinator) – CRIMP’s First Year




    12.15 – Theo Thomas – Love the Lea – Citizen Science in an Urban Watershed


    13.00 Tea and Cake


    Citizen Science for Schools


    13:45 – Lizzie Willows – Riverfly Monitoring for Schools


    14.10 – Lesley Deans – Clyde Living Lab – a proposal for Secondary Schools


    14.30 – What Next?


    If you wish to attend the meeting on March 8th, please formally register your place with the Project Coordinator, Lesley Deans, by Friday 28th February.






    Tel: 0141 330 5080




    Visit our webpage for news:








    Willie Yeomans has worked for the Clyde River Foundation since 2002 and now leads a team of six scientists researching the ecology of the Clyde and its tributaries and delivering education projects throughout the catchment.


    Lesley Deans is a Biologist with the Clyde River Foundation and co-ordinates the CRIMP citizen science programme.  CRIMP is funded by Scottish Natural Heritage and supported by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Volunteers from across the Clyde system.


    Theo Thomas is a Senior Programme Manager with Thames 21 , the leading waterways charity in London. Theo’s team works with communities across Greater London to improve their rivers, canals, ponds and lakes for people and wildlife. Theo specifically coordinates Citizen Science programmes including the Love the Lea campaign.


    Lizzie Willows has been the Wear Rivers Trust’s Education Officer since 2012, developing schools engagement and educational projects. She also carries out volunteer liaison and co-ordinates the Riverfly monitoring network across the Wear catchment.




  • Minutes From The AGM

    All of the items covered in the opening words from the Chair / Vice / Secretary are in the newsletter which was posted on the 19th.

    Elections – Myself (Paul Reid), Alistair Stewart, and Jim Burns were all re-elected.

    1. Members may introduce a guest at a day rate of £15 (limited to 2 day tickets per year). Guests under 16 may fish for free – Carried

    2. Remove the rule that restricts the fishing of the pool at the Allander confluence – Carried

    3. Failure to submit a catch return to result in a £10 fine rather than termination of membership – Carried

    4. No walking along the falls at Bishop Mill – Not Carried

    5. No fishing at Bishop Mill in the pool beneath the falls – Not Carried

    The AGM was well attended with around 100 members present. Next event on the calender is the opening ceremony on the 15th of March. I hope to see you there.

    Kind regards

  • RKAA News Letter

    RKAA Logo 2014

    RKAA Newsletter

    Words from The Chairman

    As we are about to embark on a new season, I felt it would be useful to reflect on the season past. The 2013 season started with a very cold and dry spring, which those hardy souls who braved our opening day celebrations can testify. We had postponed the start of the season to coincide with the start of the trout season as we hoped for better condition, how wrong could we be. In fact, conditions on March 15th were more like one would expect in January with a biting East wind and intermittent flurries of snow. However, those that did turn up, including TV fisher Paul Young, enjoyed being piped along Kelvin Way, having a few drams, and the traditional “first cast”, before retiring to the Islay Inn for pies and pints.
    The fishing in earnest really didn’t begin until April with, to my knowledge, four springers caught and several lost before the end of May. The fish that were caught / lost were fine examples of spring salmon, deep bodied many carrying sea lice with an average weight of between 8 and 14lb’s. Water levels were reasonable at this time of the season, until the drought hit, and gripped the country through until the end of July. The odd fish was caught during this particularly dry spell, but once the rains arrived at the end of July, fishers enjoyed consistent sport for about a two week period. Personally, I only managed one fish during this period, but it was fresh from the tide, weighing in about 6lbs, but lost three others in a most frustrating period of fishing. RKAA members enjoyed good sport throughout August, with the main grilse run not making an appearance until September which saw, once again, dry, warm conditions, and as the river dropped again to summer low, catches slowed. October saw better conditions with several notable spates, and fishers enjoyed good sport, although most of the fish reported were coloured. I managed another four fish during the back end, the best of which was a heavily coloured hen fish of about 14lb’s. As catch returns have been submitted, figures show that numbers of salmon caught last season are only slightly down on the season before, showing that, even in low water; fish will still run the River Kelvin.
    Fishing aside, it is important to recognise the sterling work done by members throughout the closed season. Those who attended the work parties must be congratulated on the extensive bankside improvements carried out. This is an on- going project that aims to improve access and open up the fishings on our river. This work will continue into the new season, and I urge all members of reasonable fitness to join the work parties, and do their bit for the river. Future projects include river restoration work, continued strimming, tackling invasive species, and potential pool creation. I do believe that, in angling terms, we are still to fulfil the river’s potential, and only through improving access, and fishing new, previously inaccessible areas will be able to have a true picture of the extent of the runs of fish, and where the fish go in the river, at any one point in the season. Finally, I would like to wish all members an enjoyable and productive 2014 season, and invite you for a dram at our opening day celebrations on Saturday 15th March, 2014, at the Islay Inn, Argyle Street.

    Vice Chair’s Report

    This time last year when I wrote my trout update I predicted that if the mild winter continued we would have a bumper start of the season with olives being taken off the surface by the end of March. The Salmon season started with mild conditions and then when we had our usual opener mid-March it was absolutely freezing and we were plunged back into winter until what felt like June. Consequently I will make no further predictions about the weather other than to reiterate you cannot predict the weather beyond a few days with any certainty. Saying that, last year’s opener was great with some nice food and a pint back at the Islay Inn, Paul Young (the actor not the singer) also put in an appearance which was great!
    Again the 2013 spring the trout anglers had an absolute ball with lots of above average trout being caught. Bearing in mind the majority of trout will be in the 8-10 inch range there were several trout caught in the 13-17inch variety. I was lucky enough to catch a trout on the dry fly in almost static water a trout of around 18 inches which put up a fair old scrap on my 4 weight and left me shaken for quite some time afterwards. My fishing buddies have done equally as well and there was hardly a time when we blanked in the spring. I found it interesting that I am now catching good trout in some of the busiest spots; trout are hanging around in shallow water under bushes and only venturing out at proper dusk when you can hardly see your fly on the surface. To get one 15+inch trout that I had spotted I had to stake out the spot for half an hour before dusk and wait without casting until it started to feed, needless to say it was hugely rewarding.
    Come low water and proper summer the trout fishing died off and the trout became particularly belligerent only rising in earnest in areas that were totally without current and surrounded by high banks and bushes. The vegetation was as full as I have seen it for years due to the hot summer that we had. Still, the fishing was still interesting and meant you had to travel the river to find areas the trout were holding up in. I suppose that is one of the positives in the Kelvin permit in that we have a variety of water to explore when times are tough. Anyway, it’s all good with the trout, the no stocking and moratorium on killing trout is working a treat and I reckon in another few years we will have a trout stream to be reckoned with. The trout and fly only permit at 15 bucks is a bargain and to be honest is the one I would buy as I did not get one cast in for salmon at all in 2013.
    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the hard work the guys on the work parties have been doing, armed with a chainsaw and some cutters they have managed to open up lots of pools in areas that were hugely difficult to fish. I managed along to a couple however some of the guys were giving up lots of their fishing time to muck in for a full day. The main driving force behind them was Paul Reid accompanied by Jim Burns. It seemed like every week they were out clearing something away and it really is a case of the more the merrier. If any member fancies helping out and learning about more pools that you may not know about then you should really head along.
    On a more sombre note my thoughts last season were with the family of Daniel Marchbank, the member who tragically drowned in the Sandy Pool at the Vet School. I never met him however as I often ran through the Vet School I am sure our paths would have crossed at some point. I have fished at that pool many times including wading out on to the ledges above it without incident so was kind of shocked when I heard about what happened. I have no idea how he fell however I do know that when wading some distance below that area the rocks were like ice while wearing felt soles so can only assume he slipped. We do not have many deep holes like this and there was some discussion regarding highlighting areas that may be particularly dangerous on a map. I would like to stress the whole river is dangerous and no specific areas can be singled out for attention. The fact is the Vet School for some reason has a high amount of anglers as well as other folk visiting it and therefore has a higher number of accidents. In conjunction with the Vet School some danger signs as well as life belts have been erected at both sides of the pool. Can all anglers ensure that if you observe anyone attempting to vandalise them or use them inappropriately you contact the Science Park.
    There appears to be fewer people fishing without permits and certainly the guys that have been rumbled without one have been asked to leave the river. I now provide a letter to them advising them that they are stealing from members such as yourself who understand that to run a trout and salmon fishery you have got to pay for the upkeep of it. If you guys meet anyone you do not recognise please ask to see their permit as it is within your rules that you are allowed and expected to do this, I suppose there will be people just taking up fishing that do not know you need one however they must be asked to contribute just like everyone else. On the subject of rules can I remind everyone to have a look through the rules and constitution as it provides the basis for any agreed action that you guys want your committee to take. If some problem lands in the committee’s lap then we simply look at the rules and constitution to work out how to deal with it.
    Have a great season!

    Headline Figures

    330 members
    203 returns submitted in time
    410 migratory fish caught (returns submitted before 20th November).
    71% of migratory fish returned

    The digital map project is now up and running, but we need help from members to gather pictures and to name pools. If you have photographs of any pools and riffles that are not currently highlighted on the map, please submit them by email to Also, if you would like to suggest a name for one of the many unnamed pools and stretches, please get in touch.
    The site is now linked to our Facebook page which is now up and running. Anything that is posted on the news section of will now pull through to the status section of the River Kelvin Facebook page. The plan is to have photos and updates sent direct to Facebook this season, and hopefully a river conditions section that members can contribute to, along with comments and photographs.
    Please make sure you go to the Facebook page and like it to receive any future updates.
    Bailiff Update

    Currently we are without a Head Bailiff as James Crainey was offered a paid position with the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association. We would like to thank James for all of his work and wish him well in his new role. James is still a member of the association and has offered to help out and work with the current bailiff team whenever he can.
    In the interim Jim Burns and myself will be coordinating the bailiff team, and will act as the first port of call for any issues that need to be reported. Before we can appoint a new HB we need to get some candidates through the exam and make sure they have their Warrant Card.
    The existing bailiff team have worked hard this year, and have been very visible within their respective stretches. However, we need more volunteers in order to increase the coverage and protect the river from poaching and pollution incidents. If you are interested in helping out please contact a member of the Committee do discuss how you can get involved.

    Catch Returns

    A much better return rate this year. Thanks to everyone that submitted their return in time. Members are reminded that you must submit a return by the 20th of November, even if you don’t catch anything.

    The Dougie Brown Trophy

    Willie Keenan from the Islay Inn on Argyle Street has kindly offered to sponsor a trophy for the association. In recognition of Dougie Brown’s contribution to the association over the years, we have decided that the competition will be named in his honour. The competition itself will be for the ‘Fish of the Season’ as decided by the Committee. To enter the competition all you have to do is submit a picture of your fish (caught from the Kelvin system), along with details of a witness, and a brief description of how and where the fish was captured. Also any relevant details about the angler, method used, and conditions at the time. The Committee will then make a decision on which fish is deemed to be the most worthy of winning the trophy. The winners name will go on the trophy which will be displayed in the Islay Inn. They will also get a smaller trophy to keep on the mantle!

    Habitat Improvement

    Plans to improve the habitat are ongoing following the review of the Habitat Survey. This year we will be scaling up the survey work carried out by The Clyde River Foundation to include more of the tributaries and looking for salmon fry beyond the current monitoring sites. We will also be investigating the possibility of grant funding for some in stream work.

    Pollution Incidents

    Pollution incidents continue to be an issue. The wet weather we have experienced this winter has put a huge strain on the waste water management system and it has been found wanting on more than one occasion. The message from the Committee is the same as last year, we need your help if we are going to be able to highlight issues to SEPA. Too many times this season members have reported issues to the Committee well after the event, and have not bothered to call SEPA at all. If we don’t call SEPA at the time of the event then there is very little that they can do. SEPA insist on a smoking gun before they will take action, it is therefore up to anyone that sees a pollution incident to call SEPA straight away and then log it with the Committee so we can follow up. Any pictures that you can take would also be useful.

    Clyde Riverfly Monitoring Partnership (CRIMP)

    The 2013 season saw the launch of CRIMP on the Kelvin. Several members gave up some of their time to become trained kick samplers, and the monitoring began. The sampling will begin again in the spring and the Committee would like to thank everyone that has taken part so far. The monitoring will be key to identifying any pollution incidents that might not be witnessed or reported. Once we have established some baseline data we can use any significant changes as evidence of an incident or underlying problem. SEPA are signed up to investigate any issues that arise from the data, so it’s a great way to make sure the health of the system continues to improve. On a personal level I have found it a fascinating experience, and the knowledge gained will definitely improve my skills as an angler.
    We do of course need more volunteers to take samples at the many agreed points across the system. If you are interested in learning more please get in touch.

    There will be another launch day this year for all existing CRIMPers and anyone who wants more information. Details are:

    The Clyde Riverfly Monitoring Partnership would like to invite you to our meeting on at 11.30am on Saturday 8th March 2014.

    Whether you took part in Riverfly monitoring in 2013 or you would like to get involved next year – this meeting explains what’s it all about and how to get involved.
    For some quick information and a synopses of the last year please visit our web newspage:

    Location: Lecture Theatre 1 in the Graham Kerr, Zoology Building, University of Glasgow.

    The meeting will take the format of:

    • A guest speaker
    • light refreshments
    • an opportunity for in-formal presentations from last year’s monitors ( if you would like to present your sampling/experiences out on the river, please get in touch asap)
    • A round up and plan for 2014

    Also if you have any news regarding CRIMP that you feel would be of interest to your fellow monitors across the Clyde, please write to me and I will post it on our website. Photographs are always most welcome.
    If you wish to attend the CRIMP meeting in March you will need to formally register your place with me by Friday 21st February by emailing me with the names of those who wish to attend.

    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Thank you and best wishes,

    Lesley Deans

    Lesley Deans
    Project Coordinator
    Clyde Riverfly Monitoring Partnership

    Work Parties

    Work parties took place throughout the year, however over winter the conditions have made it almost impossible to carry out any work. We will be pushing ahead again when the weather improves, and as always we need volunteers to help carry out the various improvements we plan to make. This year we have funds set aside to improve access through bank clearing and building styles etc. to make areas more accessible.
    The growth of invasives and general vegetation took us by surprise during the drought this year, but it’s a lesson for this year and we aim to get on top early where we can. The stretches that were cleared and strimmed looked great and really opened up the fishing. This year we will look to expand this and apply for a license to spray the Knot Weed and Balsam.
    Please refer to and the Facebook page for more details on dates where you can come along and help.

    Opening Ceremony

    The official start of the season is the 11th of February. The ceremony will be held on Saturday the 15th of March to coincide with the opening of the trout season, and hopefully things will be a bit warmer this time! As usual we will meet before and after in the Islay Inn for food and a few drinks.

    Have a great season!
