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Work Party
Another work party outing going ahead this Sunday (9th). Will be meeting at Balmore Road Bridge, next to Summerston tip, at 10.30am.
Come along and help us trim branches, pick up litter etc.
Kind regards
PaulCatch Returns
Just a reminder that your catch returns are due by the 20th of November. This includes nil returns (even if you didn’t catch anything, you must submit this so that we know).
Please submit your return online through
If you don’t have access to a computer (try the library) you can submit the paper version found in the middle of your permit booklet, but only if you really cannot submit through the website.
If you do not submit your return you cannot attend the AGM, and your membership will end. This will prevent you from renewing at the discounted rate next year, so make sure you remember to do it!Kind regards
PaulSeasons End – Catch returns required.
Greetings chaps,
The season has now ended and we hope you had a good one. Please remember to send us your catch returns – by far the easiest method is by doing so online here.
Obviously nobody should be fishing the river however if you do see someone can you either telephone Paul Reid or James whose numbers are on the permit. Alternatively, you can telephone the police who will take the matter very seriously.
We have recieved a few photos from people and over the course of the close seaon will be putting these online for you to look at – meanwhile if you have any pictures of fish please send them to photos at – replace the at with @.
Many Thanks
Access At Bishop Mills (Benalder St, The Falls Pool, Tidal Pool)
Recently we have recieved an email from Bishop Mills Residence Association regarding the behaviour of Anglers in and around their property on the banks of the Kelvin. While I know there have been icidents that may not be related to association members, I would like to draw everyones attention to the following:
1) Parking is available on public roads only. Anyone found to be parking in the residents car park will have their permit suspended.
2) The gardens surrounding Bishop Mills are privately owned. Stick to the paths and avoid causing any damage to property.
3) Take your rubbish home with you.
4) Fishing while seated or using a rod rest constitutes set lining, an offence under the Salmon and Fresh Water Fisheries Act.
5) Please respect everyone who is associated with the river, this includes property owners, anglers, walkers etc.Kind regards
End Of Season Work Party
Thanks to everyone that has contributed to the clean up and work party days so far. Last Sunday a small group cleared away some of the vegetation across from The White House. You can now fish the length of this pool without having to wade or crawl through the scrub! The plan is to fit some sort of ladder by the wall to further improve the access.
On Sunday the 4th of November we will be holding another work party day at Balmore, to continue what has been started and remove any rubbish etc. that has accumulated through the season. We will be meeting at Balmore Bridge around 10.30am. As per usual bring old clothes and gardening gloves if you have them. All other equipment will be provided.
Kind regards PaulWork Party
Thanks to all those that attended on Sunday the 16th. We managed to open up another pool above Balmore Bridge, I look forward to hearing about the first Salmon caught from it. The days have been really productive (we have opened up several pools in the City and Balmore), so we intend to continue this Sunday (30th) at Kirkinntilloch. Meeting at the bridge behind McNair’s, on Campsie Road. 10.30am start, soft drinks and equipment will be provided. The limiting factor so far has been the number of bodies. The more that show up to help, the more we can get done.
Kind regards
PaulWork Party
Thanks to everyone that came along to lend a hand on Sunday. We opened up some stretches that were unfishable, and strimmed the area round the footbridge. I’m always suprised at how much can be done when you have bodies to help. Although the amount of blethering also seems to increase! We are meeting again this Sunday (16th), same time and place. Come along if you can.
Kind regards
PaulBankside Improvement Work
On Sunday the 9th of September we will be carrying out some improvement work, all members are invited to drop by and lend a hand. We will be meeting at Balmore Bridge at 10.30am. Depending on how many numbers we have we may decide to tackle more than one particular stretch. Come along even if it’s just to say hello. Equipment will be provided. Wear old clothes and wellies if you have them!
Kind regards
PaulTwo Leases Aquired By The RKAA
The Committee are pleased to announce that they have acquired the two leases on the Luggie Water. These were previously held by the Waterside Anglers Club and the Kirkintilloch Miners.
This has been a fairly drawn out process but the lease is now official and all RKAA members can now fish the Luggie Water for Salmon and all lesser species. Normal RKAA rules apply.
I look forward to any reports on how it fishes between now and the end of the season.
Kind regards
PaulWork Party Day 2nd of June
As per the leaflet in your permit pack, our work party day takes place this Saturday. We are running this alongside the F.O.R.K clean up day so there will be plenty of opportunity to help out.
Hand tools will be provided for bank clearance and litter removal. If you own a bow saw, loppers etc, please feel free to bring them along.
Meet at the Ha’Penny Bridge House for 10.30am. You can park on Addison Road.Kind regards