
  • Tags – How it works

    Tagging System.

    1. Each member shall be issued with 5 numbered tags for the season. The number on the tags should match the permit number for each individual angler. If this is not the case please contact the Secretary.
    2. Tags are not transferable and under no circumstances should you give any tags to another angler. If any angler gives their tags to another, or are found to be in possession of tags that don’t belong to them, their membership may be cancelled.
    3. At the river, if you are using a tag then your permit must be present (you cannot fish without your permit anyway).
    4. One tag must be used per migratory fish killed. The fish must be tagged immediately after it has been dispatched. Failure to do so may result in your membership being cancelled.
    5. Any angler found with an untagged fish may have their membership cancelled, and could face prosecution.
    6. Fish should be tagged through the gills in such a fashion that the tag cannot be removed without cutting it, or damaging the fish. If you are unsure of the procedure please visit the Association Website, or contact a member of the Committee.
    7. Extra tags will not be issued under any circumstances, including loss. Given that you can only kill one migratory fish per day, the committee would advise all anglers to carry one tag and keep the rest in a safe place to avoid loosing their allowance for the season.
    8. Association members are requested to check that other anglers adhere to the tagging system rules. If you encounter anyone breaking any of the rules above, please contact the Head Bailiff (07500 148 856) or the Secretary (07730 682 748) immediately.

  • Could the following members please contact the Secretary

    The backlog of people waiting for tags has now been cleared, with the last of them posted this evening. Due to some admin issues with addresses, permit numbers etc. I need the following people to contact me before I can dispatch their tags.
    Ronnie Hannah
    Alex Gillespie
    Kenneth Bamford
    George McMillan
    Owen Reilly
    Stephen Bain
    Richard Spinks
    Steven Taylor
    James Buchannan
    Steven McCourt
    Steven Millar
    Bruce Small
    Logan Murney
    Stewart Ferguson
    Andrew Tooley
    Raymond Hendrie
    Joe Murney
    Derek Graham


  • Migratory Tags

    Due to a delay in receiving the tags from Thailand, not everyone will have been sent their tags in time for the 1st of June. The remainder will receive their tags in the post over the next few days. Anglers are asked to refrain from killing fish until they have received their tags.

    Kind regards,

  • First Springer Caught

    The first springer was caught by Charlie Dunn on the 21st April – it was caught using a black and copper flying C.

    As agreed by Association members the 12lb Salmon was returned to hopefully have lots of wild fish sex ensuring that our stocks remain good for the future.

  • Can you help?

    A couple of dates for your diaries guys (and girls of course).

    Saturday the 3rd of April – This Saturday we need as many people as possible to team up with FORK and help clean up the Kelvin. Meeting at 10.30am, Ha’penny House. Finished by 12.

    Tuesday the 6th of April – This Tuesday we have a bailiff meeting taking place at Partick Burgh Halls. 7.30pm kick off with the possibility of a pint and a blether afterwards. All current bailiffs should attend and we are asking for more volunteers to step up. If you are interested in joining the team then please come along, even if it’s just for more information on what the roll entails.



  • River Clean Up

    The clean up will take place on the 3rd, and not the 6th as I posted previously.
    Meet at the Ha’penny Bridge House at 10.30am.

  • Clean Up

    Until we can get an idea of the numbers that are going to turn up on a regular basis, we are going to run our clean up days in conjuction with FORK. So the first clean up day will take place on Saturday the 3rd (edited) of April. We will meet with FORK at Ha’penny Bridge House (edited) at 10.30am, so plenty of time to fish before and after. It would be good if we had some anglers in waders to get to the parts that are usually out of reach.
    Looking for a good turn out, it’s our river and we need to do our bit to keep it clean. If there are enough bodies then we may form splinter groups to tackle other problem sections of the river.
    Get as many people to attend as you can. If it’s a success then it gives us a platform to start carrying out more work in the future.

    Kind regards

  • What happens after you have returned your form

    Hello all,

    Many of you have asked what happens after you have returned your form from your application pack. Just to confirm that the tags and permit booklet will be sent out together, but as we are still C&R until the 1st of June, they will be sent out nearer the time.

    Kind regards

  • The Kelvin Needs You!

    Wednesday the 10th of March will see the first bailiff meeting of the year. We are also inviting anyone who would be interested in learning more about becoming a bailiff or warden on the river.
    Meeting starts at 7pm in the Partick Burgh Halls.
    If you think you can spare a couple of hours a week, or perhaps 3 or 4 full days a month on the river (fishing time counts) then please come along. We are looking for people to be eyes and ears rather than Rambo, but you will be expected to check permits. For anything else phone a Crown Bailiff or the Police.
    Hope to see you there.

  • Tesco Milngavie Update

    We have been contacted by the We Like Milngavie organisation, who are campaigning against the redevelopment of the Tesco site at Milngavie. Please visit their website for further information.
    We have already submitted representation on behalf of the association, but it’s a case of “the more the merrier”. The deadline is the 3rd of March and details of how you can object can be found on the We Like Milngavie Website. Please take the time to object, you do not have to reside in Milngavie just have a related interest (the Allander and the fish pass).