2017 AGM Summary

Just a short summary to cover the AGM, and any changes of note.

The evening began with words from the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary covering highlights from the 2016 season. These can be found in the RKAA Newsletter that was posted last week.

We then reviewed the finances. Questions from the association were answered, including plans for future expenditure. Overall the finances remain healthy.

At the elections Alan Atkins, Frank Cook, Davie Craigie and Roddy Hogg were all re-elected to the Committee.

The results from the 3 proposals were:

  1. Day tickets – Voted down by large majority
  2. Coarse permit – Passed by large majority. Further vote on price – £15 agreed.
  3. Two migratories a day – Voted down by 31 to 12

So we are currently looking at ways to introduce the new day and coarse permits. Migratories remains at 1 per day.

As mentioned in the newsletter, the only other change relates to new members. Only existing members can buy their permits in a shop, new members must apply direct. We are setting up an online solution, but until this goes live new members can print off the application form from www.fishkelvin.com, or contact the Association through the Facebook page for details on how to pay by bank transfer.

Permit prices remain unchanged

New members – £60 (concession £50)

Existing – £40 (concession £30)

Jnr – Free (post only)

Trout Fly Only – £15 (post only)

Kind regards
