AGM Summary

Minutes to follow.

Summary of the key points from the AGM
Alan Atkins has been voted in as the new Chairman. Alan has been the Acting Chairman since Euan Greer stood down last year.
Alistair Stewart was voted in as the new Vice Chairman, replacing Alan Atkins.
Frank Cook was voted back in as a committee member.
For the proposal to discontinue the stocking of brown trout , there was a vote. The motion was carried.
For the proposal to carry out catch and release for all brown trout, there was a vote. The motion was carried.
The motion to carry out improvement and access works on the banks, and to attribute monies for the work, was carried.
There was a vote for the proposal to instate 4 bailiffs with an honorarium of £5000 per year to cover expenses. The motion was not carried. Decision by narrow majority.
A proposal to increase the permit price was also not carried by a narrow majority, however a counter proposal for a smaller increase was carried.
Permit prices are now:
£40 – new members
£30 – existing members
£20 – existing OAP and registered disabled.
£5 – under 16
A motion for a fly only, brown trout only permit at £15 was carried.