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AGM Details and Agenda
By now everyone should have received their invite. The AGM is on Thursday the 3rd, at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, at the Woodside Hall. If you have not received an invite please contact the Secretary to confirm your details and attendance. There will be a raffle on the night, so to avoid disappointment remember money for tickets. There will also be the unused tags draw for a free permit, so bring any unused tags to be entered. Unfortunately this draw is only available to those present on the night. The final draw is from the completed members forms that were returned. This is also for a free permit.
Agend details are below.
The River Kelvin Angling Association AGM, 3rd February 2011
Time for discussion on proposals will be allotted, however due to time constraints it will be limited. In order that this meeting can progress as smoothly as possible, members are asked to adhere to the following guidelines.
– One singer one song. To avoid interruptions, please raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before you make your point.
– For the benefit of those taking notes, please stand and state your name before addressing the hall.
– Please speak up, and talk as clearly as possible.
– Be polite. Listen to others when they are speaking. There will be plenty of breaks for chat, cigarettes etc.
– Show respect for other association members, even if their views are not the same as your own.
1. Apologies
2. Summary of the 2010 season from the Chairman and Secretary
3. Statement of accounts
4. Elections
– Alan Atkins is standing for Chairman
– Alistair Stewart and Frank Cook have both served 2 years and are standing for re-election
5. Proposals from the Committee and submitted in advance by members
– Stocking: The Committee proposes that Association do not stock brown trout in the 2011 season, or in any following year unless proposed and voted on by the Association.
– Catch and release for all brown trout: To allow stocks and quality to improve.
– Access: Proposed plan of action (phase 1) for improving access. The Committee are seeking approval for works and agreement on the areas that should be targeted in this initial project.
– Bailiffs: The Committee are proposing that 4 bailiffs should be appointed by the Committee to work on a part time basis. They will receive an honorarium of £5000 per year, paid pro rata on a monthly basis. The honorarium will cover all expenses incurred while monitoring the river and protecting the Associations assets.
– Permit pricing: The lease from the Crown has increased (from £1000 + VAT, to £2500 + VAT) and the proposals above will increase the operating costs. The Association must agree on the permit price for 2011. If all proposals are accepted the suggested pricing for the 2011 season is: Existing £50, Concession £30, Under 16 £10, New £70
– Trout only permit: Only available by post and limited to fly only. Proposed price £30
6. Miscellaneous and AOB
7. Raffle