Category: The Club

  • Opening Day

    I apologise for the late notice, but with the weather in mind we were not sure if this was likely to go ahead. As it stands we have arranged for a small ceremony tomorrow (Saturday 12th) at 11am.
    We will be meeting at Ha’penny House in the Botanics stretch. FORK have been kind enough to open the house and there will be food available for a small donation. Tea and Coffee will also be available, with a good chance of something stronger for those that might want to toast the beginning of the salmon season.
    All are welcome. If you know of anyone that might like to come along, please let them know.
    Permits, hats and fleeces will be on sale.
    Kind regards,

  • Where to get 2011 permits?

    Hi Guys,

    At the moment Tackle & Guns have permits in stock. Permits have been posted to Glasgow Angling Centre and JB Angling – they should arrive by Thursday for Sale on Friday.

  • RKAA Clothing

    We have hats and fleeces that have been embroidered with the RKAA logo. These will be available at the AGM. The fleeces are £25 or £20 depending on the style, and hats are £6 for a peaked cap, or a fleece/woollen hat. You can have any colour you like as long as it’s blue or green.

    All proceeds will go back into the association.

    Kind regards,


  • AGM Details and Agenda

    By now everyone should have received their invite. The AGM is on Thursday the 3rd, at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, at the Woodside Hall. If you have not received an invite please contact the Secretary to confirm your details and attendance. There will be a raffle on the night, so to avoid disappointment remember money for tickets. There will also be the unused tags draw for a free permit, so bring any unused tags to be entered. Unfortunately this draw is only available to those present on the night. The final draw is from the completed members forms that were returned. This is also for a free permit.

    Agend details are below.

    The River Kelvin Angling Association AGM, 3rd February 2011

    Time for discussion on proposals will be allotted, however due to time constraints it will be limited. In order that this meeting can progress as smoothly as possible, members are asked to adhere to the following guidelines.

    – One singer one song. To avoid interruptions, please raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before you make your point.
    – For the benefit of those taking notes, please stand and state your name before addressing the hall.
    – Please speak up, and talk as clearly as possible.
    – Be polite. Listen to others when they are speaking. There will be plenty of breaks for chat, cigarettes etc.
    – Show respect for other association members, even if their views are not the same as your own.

    1. Apologies
    2. Summary of the 2010 season from the Chairman and Secretary
    3. Statement of accounts
    4. Elections
    – Alan Atkins is standing for Chairman
    – Alistair Stewart and Frank Cook have both served 2 years and are standing for re-election
    5. Proposals from the Committee and submitted in advance by members
    – Stocking: The Committee proposes that Association do not stock brown trout in the 2011 season, or in any following year unless proposed and voted on by the Association.
    – Catch and release for all brown trout: To allow stocks and quality to improve.
    – Access: Proposed plan of action (phase 1) for improving access. The Committee are seeking approval for works and agreement on the areas that should be targeted in this initial project.
    – Bailiffs: The Committee are proposing that 4 bailiffs should be appointed by the Committee to work on a part time basis. They will receive an honorarium of £5000 per year, paid pro rata on a monthly basis. The honorarium will cover all expenses incurred while monitoring the river and protecting the Associations assets.
    – Permit pricing: The lease from the Crown has increased (from £1000 + VAT, to £2500 + VAT) and the proposals above will increase the operating costs. The Association must agree on the permit price for 2011. If all proposals are accepted the suggested pricing for the 2011 season is: Existing £50, Concession £30, Under 16 £10, New £70
    – Trout only permit: Only available by post and limited to fly only. Proposed price £30
    6. Miscellaneous and AOB
    7. Raffle

  • EGM Minutes

    The River Kelvin Angling Association
    Minutes of EGM held on 17th November 2010

    Euan Greer (Chairman) Alan Atkins (Vice Chairman)
    Jim Burns (Treasurer) Paul Reid (Secretary)
    Ian Reddick (FORK) David Craigie (Campsie AA)
    Stuart Differ (Campsie AA) Alistair Stewart
    Frank Cook Kevin Clarke (Head Bailiff)

    Over 90 ordinary members were present.

    Venue: The Woodside Hall, Glenfarg Street, Glasgow.

    To begin the meeting was Chaired by Euan Greer, who then handed over to Alan Atkins.

    Paul Reid was Minute-Secretary of the meeting.

    Apologies: Neil Ferguson, Alex McGregor

    Agenda Point 1 – Update from the Chairman
    Euan opened by commenting on what he believed to be a great season for the Association. The word from anglers and the initial catch returns point to fantastic catch returns relative to previous years.
    At this point Euan announced that he would be stepping down as the Chairman to concentrate on his studies. Euan felt that due to the demands of his course it would be difficult for him to attend as many meetings and engagements as he has done in previous years.
    For 5 years he has thoroughly enjoyed his role as Chairman of the RKAA, and he believes that the Association is going in the right direction. Euan will remain an active member of the Committee and will handover to Alan Atkins (Vice Chairman) until the AGM, where the Association members can vote to instate a Chairman for the 2011/2012 seasons. Euan suggested a vote at this stage amongst the members present, but it was pointed out from the floor (Alec Barclay) that this was not required.
    At this point Euan handed over to Alan. A bottle of Whisky was given to Euan as a token of the Associations gratitude.
    Alan Atkins introduced himself and briefly outlined his thoughts on the work of the Committee and the Association going forward, with the emphasis on communication and collective decisions made by the association as a whole.
    On the topic of future projects and the importance of the habitat survey, there was a comment from the floor (Vinnie) stating that the anglers themselves are aware of the issues and surveys are not required. The table pointed out that evidence would be required to secure funding and the licenses required to carry out the work. Although we may all be aware of the issues, some of them will warrant levels of funding and expertise that will require assistance from outside of the Association.

    Agenda Point 2 – Update from the Secretary

    Paul Reid ran through the Newsletter and expanded on some of the points.

    Catch returns – Due by the end of November. Can now be submitted by post or online through the website. Anyone that does not submit their return by either of these methods will not be able to renew their membership at the reduced rate.
    There was a question from the floor regarding the number of fish returned. This information will be collated once all of the returns have been submitted.

    River Webcam – This is still on track to be ready for next season, but there have been some complications with regards to the property where the camera will be located. The current lease is due for renewal in January and we can’t proceed until that has been finalised.

    Scottish Minister Bailiffs – Currently we have 3 that are due to sit the course in the New Year. At least one existing SMB from another river has been in touch offering assistance, he is an existing RKAA member. We are looking to get many of the existing volunteer bailiff force through the course as soon as possible.

    Volunteer Bailiffs – It has been a struggle to get people to volunteer. Without more help it is difficult to ensure the river is monitored effectively. The committee are asking for more members to come forward and help, without volunteers we will have to look at other, more costly, options.

    American Signal Crayfish – There were several questions from the floor regarding the extent of the problem and possible control methods. At the moment the CRF are investigating and further information will be communicated to the members when we receive it. Several different methods for controlling there numbers have been tried on other rivers, but as yet there does not appear to be a proven method for dealing with them. There are studies that suggest trapping might actually cause more harm than good! This is definitely one for the experts and we will await advice from Willie Yeomans and his team before we decide what action to take.

    Agenda Point 3 – Amendments to the Constitution

    Alan Atkins went through each of the proposed changes to the constitution. The changes were sent out prior to the meeting, rather than list them all here the updated constitution will be posted on the website. If you would like a copy of the original that highlights the changes, please contact the Secretary.
    Each of the proposed changes was voted on by the members present. All votes were in favour, there were no votes against, and therefore all proposed changes have been passed.

    Agenda Point 4 – Update from the Head Bailiff

    Kevin Clarke reassured the members present that he would be continuing as the Head Bailiff. After a spell in hospital towards the end of the season he was keen to get on with looking after the river. Kevin also pointed out that FORK organise a clean up session on the first Saturday of each month and that it would be good to see a better turn out from the Association.

    Although it was not part of the Agenda, with time left the table decided to open up the meeting for any other business. There were no further points from the floor.

    After the EGM there was an opportunity to view some of the RKAA clothing that has been put together for next season. Several orders for fleeces, hats, and caps were taken.

  • Permits 2011

    Permits for 2011 will be available on the night of the AGM (which all members have received letters for) and then a few days later in the shops.

    The permits do not go on sale before this date as the membership have still to agree on the 2011 permit price.

  • Unused Tags

    If you hold on to your unused tags you can use them to enter into the draw for a free membership at the AGM.

    Don’t bring them to the EGM as they won’t be any use.


  • Catch retuns update

    Just a reminder that all catch returns are due in by the 20th of November. If you haven’t already submitted then please complete the online form at, or post them to
    Secretary of the RKAA
    Box number 441
    145 Kilmarnock Road
    G41 3JA

    If you complete the online form then you do not need to post anything back.


  • Woodside Hall Directions

    Woodside Hall
    36 Glenfarg Street
    G20 7QE

    Link to Google Maps

    Directions from St. Georges Cross Underground Station.

    1. Cross over Maryhill Road.
    2. Walk past Alpine Bikes on your left.
    3. Turn left on to St. Georges Road.
    4. Walk on until you come to Woodlands Library on your left.
    5. Turn left and at the end of the street you will see the hall on your right.

    Directions from GAC
    1. Exit the car park and turn right.
    2. Walk down Possil Road and under the canal.
    3. Cross over Garscube Road and straight down St. Georges Road.
    4. Turn right at the Woodside Library.
    5. At the end of the street you will see the hall on your right.

  • EGM Wednesday 17th of November

    Dear member,
    You are invited to attend the following meeting at Woodside Hall. The meeting has been called by the committee to discuss and agree actions on the points detailed in the agenda below.
    You will need your permit (with photograph) to gain entrance to the hall.
    Kind regards,
    Paul Reid

    The River Kelvin Angling Association EGM, 17th November 2010, 7pm

    Time for discussion on proposals will be allotted, however due to time constraints it will be limited. In order that this meeting can progress as smoothly as possible, members are asked to adhere to the following guidelines.

    – One singer one song. To avoid interruptions, please raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before you make your point.
    – For the benefit of those taking notes, please stand and state your name before addressing the hall.
    – Please speak up, and talk as clearly as possible.
    – Be polite. Listen to others when they are speaking. There will be breaks for chat, cigarettes, etc.
    – Show respect for other association members, even if their views are not the same as your own.

    Anyone that does not keep to these rules will be asked to leave, and the meeting will be adjourned until they have left.


    Start – 7pm
    1. Apologies
    2. Update from the Chairman
    3. Update from the Secretary
    4. Amendments to the Constitution
    5. Update from the Head Bailiff
    Close – 9pm