Fly Tying Evening and Forum Issues

Hello Chaps,

Seeing as how Paul is away snowboarding or something I thought I should update you on something that was discussed at our last committee meeting. Essentially some members have asked us if it is possible to run some kind of fly tying evening. At roughly the same time a local owner of a pub – The Islay Inn at the bottom of Kelvinway approached Paul and stated he would be willing to provide some space in the pub for some guys tying flies.

What a nice cooncidence!

Members would also be able to partake in a few whiskies at the same time. The proposed night is a Wednesday (so it does not coincide with other local tying groups members might attend) and will possibly be every two weeks. The night will comprise of some tying, some alcoholic beveragesand the watching of some fishing DVD’s on the pub telly. The club is also considering footing the bill for some vices and tying materials so folk can come along and have a go with no expense.

Ordinarily I would then say lets discuss this in the River Kelvin Angling Association Forum however it is totally gubbed at the moment. While I try and fix it (be warned all posts may be wiped) you can head over to Urban FlyFisher where I will make a special post.

I hope that is ok with you guys.
