Tags – How it works

Tagging System.

1. Each member shall be issued with 5 numbered tags for the season. The number on the tags should match the permit number for each individual angler. If this is not the case please contact the Secretary.
2. Tags are not transferable and under no circumstances should you give any tags to another angler. If any angler gives their tags to another, or are found to be in possession of tags that don’t belong to them, their membership may be cancelled.
3. At the river, if you are using a tag then your permit must be present (you cannot fish without your permit anyway).
4. One tag must be used per migratory fish killed. The fish must be tagged immediately after it has been dispatched. Failure to do so may result in your membership being cancelled.
5. Any angler found with an untagged fish may have their membership cancelled, and could face prosecution.
6. Fish should be tagged through the gills in such a fashion that the tag cannot be removed without cutting it, or damaging the fish. If you are unsure of the procedure please visit the Association Website, or contact a member of the Committee.
7. Extra tags will not be issued under any circumstances, including loss. Given that you can only kill one migratory fish per day, the committee would advise all anglers to carry one tag and keep the rest in a safe place to avoid loosing their allowance for the season.
8. Association members are requested to check that other anglers adhere to the tagging system rules. If you encounter anyone breaking any of the rules above, please contact the Head Bailiff (07500 148 856) or the Secretary (07730 682 748) immediately.