Author: Alistair

  • A bridge has been built over the problematic ditch at the Balmore stretch!

    Paul, Jim, James and Alistair headed up to the Balmore stretch on Sunday to build a bridge over the problematic ditch. The farmer kindly gave us permission to cross his land with a four by four and a trailer with all the materials.

    I have put together a short (8 min) movie of the photos and video of the building of the bridge. Jim Burns scrounged for the materials from his work and then assembled it at home (and then tested it by having his grandchildren run across it) so that it was a case of putting it all together on the river bank.



  • River Kelvin Association Ceremony 2012

    Many thanks to all those that attended the opening ceremony..


  • Arbour Works Phase 1

    Greetings chaps – here is a short slideshow of the arbour work that has been undertaken by the Association. This work was agreed at the 2011 AGM, we were slightly held up by the amount of paperwork and hoops that had to be jumped however the benefits for the 2012 season should be great. This is phase 1 and is still to be completed – in the photos if you see a tree with a green spray paint dot on it then it has still to be removed. The areas so far that have been completed are above the Vet School and above the Slush. Please walk up that way and tell us what you think.

    The work has opened an extremely long stretch for fly fishers and those wishing to spin etc for Salmon.

    A big thank you to Alan Atkins (Chairman) who put in the majority of leg work to get this completed.

  • Catch Returns 2011.

    Greetings Chaps,

    The 2011 season has now ended and we hope you have had a good one. Please send us your catch returns so that we may accurately record how well our river is improving.

    Please use this link – Catch Returns 2011

    Additionally please send us any pictures of your fish to photos@fishkelvin_com (replace the _ with a . ) so that we can place them in our gallery.

  • Lost Key

    Hello Chaps – I hope you are all having an enjoyable season!

    One person is not as he has got in contact with us about a lost key – a black plastic card type, it could be on the riverside along the “Balmore road” stretch up to the junction pool. Anyone finds it get in contact with us using the contact us or give it to any one of the office bearers – Alan Atkins our Chairman is down that way quite a bit.

    Your reward shall be the gratitude of your fellow man.

    Good Luck – and do not forget to send in your photos of fish!

  • Fly Tying Evening + Interesting Stuff!

    Greetings chaps – I am aware this is uber short notice however we are having our monthly fly tying session on Wednesday 27th July at the Islay Inn  on Argyle Street at 7.30pm. This time we also have Nick Underwood (Kelvin Catchment Officer) attending to talk to us about the anglers monitoring initiative. We are looking for volunteers to take part in this project. If you are interested in monitoring the health of the river,and can spare a little time to survey (I believe it’s once a month),then please come along for further information.

    You can tie flies as he talks while enjoying a nice cold beer – you will then have enough time to walk the few minutes  to the Kelvin for the dusk rise.

    See you there!

  • Fish Kelvin Forum

    It is now back up and running – sorry about that!

  • Fly Tying Evening and Forum Issues

    Hello Chaps,

    Seeing as how Paul is away snowboarding or something I thought I should update you on something that was discussed at our last committee meeting. Essentially some members have asked us if it is possible to run some kind of fly tying evening. At roughly the same time a local owner of a pub – The Islay Inn at the bottom of Kelvinway approached Paul and stated he would be willing to provide some space in the pub for some guys tying flies.

    What a nice cooncidence!

    Members would also be able to partake in a few whiskies at the same time. The proposed night is a Wednesday (so it does not coincide with other local tying groups members might attend) and will possibly be every two weeks. The night will comprise of some tying, some alcoholic beveragesand the watching of some fishing DVD’s on the pub telly. The club is also considering footing the bill for some vices and tying materials so folk can come along and have a go with no expense.

    Ordinarily I would then say lets discuss this in the River Kelvin Angling Association Forum however it is totally gubbed at the moment. While I try and fix it (be warned all posts may be wiped) you can head over to Urban FlyFisher where I will make a special post.

    I hope that is ok with you guys.


  • Salmon Season Opening Ceremony – pics and video.

    Hi guys – we had a very nice opening ceremony on Saturday. Several members managed to make it despite the short notice – for those that did not here are two short videos of the procession and the toasting of the river.

    By the way – thanks to Derek for the photos and video – you can check out more of the photos here.

    And some photos:

    The Folk…
    Paul and Stephen
    To be fair at least he tried..
  • Where to get 2011 permits?

    Hi Guys,

    At the moment Tackle & Guns have permits in stock. Permits have been posted to Glasgow Angling Centre and JB Angling – they should arrive by Thursday for Sale on Friday.