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Woodside Hall Directions
Woodside Hall
36 Glenfarg Street
G20 7QEDirections from St. Georges Cross Underground Station.
1. Cross over Maryhill Road.
2. Walk past Alpine Bikes on your left.
3. Turn left on to St. Georges Road.
4. Walk on until you come to Woodlands Library on your left.
5. Turn left and at the end of the street you will see the hall on your right.Directions from GAC
1. Exit the car park and turn right.
2. Walk down Possil Road and under the canal.
3. Cross over Garscube Road and straight down St. Georges Road.
4. Turn right at the Woodside Library.
5. At the end of the street you will see the hall on your right.EGM Wednesday 17th of November
Dear member,
You are invited to attend the following meeting at Woodside Hall. The meeting has been called by the committee to discuss and agree actions on the points detailed in the agenda below.
You will need your permit (with photograph) to gain entrance to the hall.
Kind regards,
Paul ReidThe River Kelvin Angling Association EGM, 17th November 2010, 7pm
Time for discussion on proposals will be allotted, however due to time constraints it will be limited. In order that this meeting can progress as smoothly as possible, members are asked to adhere to the following guidelines.
– One singer one song. To avoid interruptions, please raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before you make your point.
– For the benefit of those taking notes, please stand and state your name before addressing the hall.
– Please speak up, and talk as clearly as possible.
– Be polite. Listen to others when they are speaking. There will be breaks for chat, cigarettes, etc.
– Show respect for other association members, even if their views are not the same as your own.Anyone that does not keep to these rules will be asked to leave, and the meeting will be adjourned until they have left.
Start – 7pm
1. Apologies
2. Update from the Chairman
3. Update from the Secretary
4. Amendments to the Constitution
5. Update from the Head Bailiff
Close – 9pmAmerican Signal Crayfish
Three specimens of the American signal crayfish were recovered from the River Kelvin this summer. The origin of the Kelvin crayfish is unknown but deliberate introduction cannot be ruled out. The signal crayfish is a serious threat to the native biodiversity of the Kelvin system (and beyond) and extreme care should be taken to avoid the inadvertent transfer of small specimens on fishing tackle and boots. Tackle used on the Kelvin should therefore be disinfected before use in other river systems (including those in other parts of the Clyde catchment). Please copy the following link into your browser for more information Clyde River Foundation is researching the distribution of crayfish locally and sightings should be communicated to Willie Yeomans ( asap (telephone: 0141 330 5080). All specimens captured should be humanely killed (it is acceptable to crush them quickly underfoot) – do not put them back into the river. It is illegal to be in possession of live crayfish without a licence, so please do not remove any from the riverbank.
Catch Returns 2010 – submit them on-line!
Hi guys – just to let you know the page to submit your catch returns is now live – this will be formally announced when you receive your newsletter however if you are signed up to receive these updates or just plain enjoy visiting the “official” kelvin site then please head over to the Catch Returns Page to get them in now.
Catch Returns 2010 – click here
As usual – input your name, address, permit number etc.
Official Forum Now Live
Hi chaps – the official forum is now live – you must use your real name and must input your permit number when asked – they are then checked against the database to make sure you are who you say you are.
Only members of the KAA can join and the purpose is to make it even easier to ask questions and put forward your ideas – some might say picking up the phone and giving the secretary a bell was easy however he does work and it gives others a chance to share the responsibility of answering questions. It will also hopefully combat the gossip, conjecture and hearsay that appears to go hand in hand with helping you guys catch a fish.
So go and join in the discussions – we hope you enjoy and find it useful.
Bailiff meeting !
Just to add that the bailiff meeting will be at 7pm.
Anyone who is willing in assisting the association in up holding the agreed rules are welcome to attend.
Official Kelvin Angling Association Forum
Hi Chaps – just a quick note to say that the finishing touches are being put on the shiny new much asked for official forum thingy – feel free to sign up however your accounts will not be activated until all the people that are able to check off permit numbers against names have got all the info.
Oh aye – make sure you use your real name – no nicknames and you must supply your permit number so that only association members can access the booty.
Additionally as this is an official Association forum there is an absolutely huge user policy which you should all read – essentially it just makes sure that if your fingers burst into flames as you type not only cant you sue us but we can also throw you in the river without any comeback whatsoever.
Seriously – read the user policy..when you get access, which will be soon…
Bailiff Meeting – Friday 24th Sep
Bailiff meeting on Friday to discuss plans for the rest of the season and in particular this bank holiday weekend.
The meeting will be in Coopers Bar which is on the Corner of Great Western Road and Bank Street.
Additionally, anyone interested in becoming a bailiff is welcome to attend.
Salmon Pictures
Hi guys – we have been sent a number of photos of recent Salmon captures.
Here is a selection:
[nggallery id=13]
As ever – please send your photos to
Replacement Permits
If your permit is lost or destoyed, please print of the permit application from the permits section of the site. Fill in your details and put ‘replacement’ where it asks for your permit number. Send the form and payment (£3 cheque or postal order) back, and a replacement will be posted out.