
  • The Big Red Bin

    Just a quick message to thank everyone that helped to remove the Biffa bin from the Falls Pool next to BishopsMill. The bin had been there for a number of years, but the recent purchase of some chains and a two ton hand puller allowed us to get it turned and up out over the falls. One less snag for us to worry about.
    On a slightly less positive note, it appears that someone has taken it upon themselves to dislodge a lot of the branches that had built up around the base of the bridge above the falls. A large part of this build up is now in the pool below, so we are back to square one as far as snags go. Hopefully the rain will raise the water level enough to wash this through, however this is of little consolation to anyone who has tried to fish there this week. It would have been an idea to cut the larger pieces of wood before it was all dislodged, and to wait for higher water. If the snags are still there after the weekend we will try to get them out with ropes.
    To anyone else that is thinking about taking any maintenance issues into their own hands, please contact the Committee to discuss the problem and your solution before you go ahead. In most cases we can organise a work party to tackle the job in an organised manner.

    Kind regards

  • Work Party

    We will be meeting on Easter Sunday at 10.30am. Come along and say hello if you are free. Meeting point will be the bridge over the Kelvin on Kelvindale Road.

    Kind regards

  • 2013 Start of the Season Video

    We had a great start of the season celebration on Saturday, it was Baltic and nobody caught any fish. Consequently, the bottle of whiskey bought for the first Salmon caught was then downgraded to the first trout. Last time I seen it was when Paul Reid was sticking it back in his bag muttering something about how he was loaded with the cold.

    What we did get was rolls n’ sausage, good chat, Paul Young, a fine piper and some most excellent hospitality provided by the Islay Inn.

    Many thanks to the members, the Islay Inn, Donald Mackenzie, Paul Young and all the friends and family that braved the cold on the day.

    We hope you all have a great season!



  • The Riverfly Monitoring Project

    I have posted the information below already, but just to make everyone aware that this meeting requires you to register in advance. I have spoken to a few of you already and your details have been processed. For anyone else that wants to be a part of this project, please give me a call as soon as possible.

    previous post
    Here is some more information on the Riverfly Monitoring Project that was discussed at the AGM. We need as many volunteers as possible to commit to taking samples once a month. This is your opportunity to help protect the Kelvin and ensure it’s continuing improvement. Please get in touch if you would like to attend the meeting. There will be volunteers from other organisations associated with the Kelvin, so it’s important that we are represented. In fact it is important that we are seen to be providing the lion’s share of the volunteers.

    Clyde Riverfly Monitoring Partnership (CRIMP)

    The Clyde River Foundation and Riverfly Partnership warmly invite all club members to the Clyde Riverfly Monitoring Partnership launch meeting to be held on

    Sunday 17th March 2013, 1.00pm – 4.00pm.
    Lecture theatre 1, Graham Kerr Building, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ.

    CRIMP is a citizen science project which aims to provide training in riverfly monitoring to volunteers across the eight counties of the River Clyde catchment. Riverfly monitoring can help protect the quality of our rivers; increase our knowledge and understanding of invertebrate populations and promote the conservation of their habitats. Volunteer involvement is important to the development of this project and will allow us to assess the sustainability and practical benefits of using the method on a large scale. CRIMP will provide another tool to inform management of the fishery and freshwater ecosystem. For example, we have had two recent examples of river pollution (one in Lanarkshire and one in Renfrewshire) where well-trained volunteers could have sampled the incidents more quickly than even the statutory bodies – we see this as a way of helping to protect your river; your fishery.

    CRIMP will involve the Clyde River Foundation (CRF) coordinating monthly river health checks undertaken by specially trained volunteers. We will deliver training workshops in riverfly monitoring three times per year, followed by a half day site selection and sampling “run through” day with each angling club. From there, volunteers will monitor their given sites monthly and report their results to the CRF. The CRF will collate and check results, and report back every three months to contributing angling club secretaries, with a facility for more rapid communication with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) if pollution is detected.

  • Opening Season Ceremony – 23rd March

    Unlike other clubs who get out there and freeze themselves with no hope of a fish in February we wait a few weeks until it has warmed up a tad and there is still no hope of a fresh fish but we may catch a trout.

    Consequently our annual opening day ceremony will be on the 23rd March meeting at the Islay Inn pub the address is:

    1256 Argyle St  Glasgow G3 8TJ

    Please click this link for directions. – if you are unsure where you are going please contact us.

    The ceremony will start in the bar at 1130, we will meet have a chat and then be piped down to the river where someone will brave the Glasgow City Council anti drinking bylaw and toast the river with a dram whilst tourists take your photo.

    Here is last years:

    Last year was a lot of fun and this year it would be great if even more members came along to join in the celebration. We may even lay on some free food for you back at the pub.

    It is a great opportunity for new members to meet the committee and ask any questions about the river and for Paul to badger you into a work party.

    See you guys there!


  • Work Party Sunday 3rd of March

    We will be continuing the work in the Kelvindale stretch. Meeting at the Kelvindale Road Bridge at 10.30am. Come along and get some fresh air!

  • Meeting Notes from the AGM 7th February 2013

    After a brief introduction and summary from the Chairman and Secretary, highlighting in particular:

    The acquisition of the lease for the Luggie. This has a lot of opportunity with regards to
    water quality and spawning for the whole system.
    Catch returns. Following the amnesty for late returns an extra 110 returns were submitted
    adding a further 135 migratories to the total. This raises the catch for the 2012 season to
    407, with a 70% return rate.

    Accounts – Income £14175, Expenditure £10183, Cash on hand £18154

    Elections – Alan Atkins was re-elected to the Committee.

    2013-02-07 20.18.02


    First Proposal – The permit prices for next season should be raised to: New Members £70, Existing £50, Concession £40.

    Result – After an initial split vote there was discussion for and against. Eventually an alternative
    proposal was agreed where fees would be fixed for 2 years. This proposal was then passed by a
    majority vote.

    Second Proposal – Junior tickets (16 and under) to be free by postal application.

    Result – Passed by large majority vote.

    Third Proposal – No fishing from the falls at Bishop Mill.

    Result – Time for discussion given. Eventually passed by majority vote.

    Forth Proposal – Every association member to attend at least one work party

    Result – Split vote. Due to issues with enforcement and physical ability, it was decided that this would be purely voluntary and that those who were in favour should aim to attend at least one day this season.

    Fifth Proposal – The rule regarding the release of all brown trout to be abolished.

    Result – Not passed (heavy majority against).

    Sixth Proposal – The rule regarding the release of all migratories in October to be abolished.

    Result – Not passed (did not receive a single vote).

    Seventh Proposal – Total number of migratories that can be dispatched in a day to be put back to one (was two per day).

    Result – Passed by majority vote.

    AGM2013-02-07 19.27.16Many thanks to everyone who attended – it was a very enjoyable AGM where we managed to get a lot discussed. 

  • Announcement regarding weekend incident.

    We are saddened to confirm there has been an accident involving one of our members whilst at the river.On Saturday a member tragically drowned whilst fishing at the Vet School. We are not able to give out any other details as quite simply we do not have them. We know the members name however we are not aware if all the persons family and friends are aware of his death so do not feel able to give this out. 

    Our thoughts are with the members family and friends.

  • Campsie Angling Assoc. 2013 Fly Fishing Activities

    Campsie Angling is running free events and tuition during 2013.
    All welcome from complete beginners to experienced casters.

    26th Feb 2013
    Angling Seminar, Lennoxtown Memorial Hall at 7pm.

    James Litster (World Fly Fishing Bronze Medallist, 6 times Scottish Internationalist) will discuss a range of fly fishing topics. Fly tying event included.

    From March 2013
    Fly casting tuition at Whitefield Pond, Lennoxtown.

    If you would like to try fly fishing or improve your casting, tuition will be available from March 2013. This will be arranged subject to demand. For more information please contact
    Lawrence Meechan on 07986 963031

    More activities for 2013 to come. Please see the club website for more information at

  • First Fish of the Season…

    …and it is a Kelt.


    2013-02-15 14.11.20


    David Brady caught this Kelt up at Balmore Road on the worm on the 15th February. Can we remind all anglers to be careful with handling kelts and to return them to the water as carefully as possible like David.

    David releases his fish!
    David releases his fish!