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Opening Season Ceremony – 23rd March
Unlike other clubs who get out there and freeze themselves with no hope of a fish in February we wait a few weeks until it has warmed up a tad and there is still no hope of a fresh fish but we may catch a trout.
Consequently our annual opening day ceremony will be on the 23rd March meeting at the Islay Inn pub the address is:
1256 Argyle St Glasgow G3 8TJ
Please click this link for directions. – if you are unsure where you are going please contact us.
The ceremony will start in the bar at 1130, we will meet have a chat and then be piped down to the river where someone will brave the Glasgow City Council anti drinking bylaw and toast the river with a dram whilst tourists take your photo.
Here is last years:
Last year was a lot of fun and this year it would be great if even more members came along to join in the celebration. We may even lay on some free food for you back at the pub.
It is a great opportunity for new members to meet the committee and ask any questions about the river and for Paul to badger you into a work party.
See you guys there!